Source code for omics_pipe.modules.RNAseq_report_counts

#!/usr/bin/env python

from omics_pipe.parameters.default_parameters import default_parameters
from omics_pipe.utils import *
p = Bunch(default_parameters)

[docs]def RNAseq_report_counts(sample, RNAseq_report_counts_flag): '''Runs R script with knitr to produce report from RNAseq pipeline. input: results from other steps in RNAseq pipelines output: html report citation: T. Meissner parameters from parameter file: WORKING_DIR: R_VERSION: REPORT_RESULTS: PARAMS_FILE: ''' spawn_job(jobname = 'RNAseq_report_counts', SAMPLE = sample, LOG_PATH = p.LOG_PATH, RESULTS_EMAIL = p.RESULTS_EMAIL, SCHEDULER = p.SCHEDULER, walltime = "240:00:00", queue = p.QUEUE, nodes = 1, ppn = 8, memory = "2gb", script = "/", args_list = [sample,p.WORKING_DIR,p.R_VERSION, p.REPORT_RESULTS, p.DESEQ_RESULTS, p.PARAMS_FILE]) job_status(jobname = 'RNAseq_report_counts', resultspath = p.REPORT_RESULTS, SAMPLE = sample, outputfilename = sample + "/" + sample + ".html", FLAG_PATH = p.FLAG_PATH) return
if __name__ == '__main__': RNAseq_report_counts(sample, RNAseq_report_counts_flag) sys.exit(0)