Omics Pipe Tutorial – Adding a New Module (Tool)

Users can easily create new analysis modules for use within omics_pipe. The user has two options for creating new analysis modules: - Adding analysis modules directly within the omics_pipe/scripts installation directory - Creating a new working directory where all analysis modules scripts are located (this can be changed in the parameters file by changing the WORKING_DIR parameter to the desired location). If you want to use option 2, in order to use pre-installed analysis modules, for the time being you must copy these analysis modules to your new working directory. If you choose option 1, you can simply add additional analysis modules and they will be accessible along with the pre-installed analysis modules.

To create a new analysis module, you need to perform four steps: 1. Create a Bash script with the command to be sent to the cluster 2. Create a Python module that calls the Bash script 3. Add your module to your custom pipeline 4. Add new module parameters to parameters file

The section below details each of these steps.

1. Create a Bash script

The first step in creating your custom module is to create the Bash script with the command you would like to run. If you are unsure how to write a Bash script, you can look at the examples in omics_pipe/scripts or work through this tutorial ( In many cases, this will be a simple script with a one line command to call the analysis program. You should name your script something that will be easily identifiable and it should have the suffix .sh (e.g. At the beginning of your analysis script, you should put the following lines:

set -x
#Source modules for current shell
source $MODULESHOME/init/bash
#Make output directory if it doesn't exist
mkdir -p ${variable} #RESULTS_DIR
#Move tmp dir to scratch
export TMPDIR=${variable} #TEMP_DIR
#Load specified software version
module load fastqc/${variable} #VERSION

The ${variable} will be changed to ${number} (e.g. $1) based on the location of the variable in the input script (more on this below). These settings are assuming you are working on a cluster with a modular structure. If not, “module load” may not be appropriate to load the software, so please ask your system administrator to provide assistance with this if your cluster has a different system. After you specify the software and other configuration variables, you can write the commands for the software you would like to use. When you are finished with the commands, exit the script with ‘exit 0.’ An example script for running the software program FASTQC is below.

#Runs fastqc with $1=SAMPLE, $2=RAW_DATA_DIR, $3=QC_PATH
fastqc -o $3 $2/$1.fastq

exit 0

Substitute all variables that you would like to change from the parameter file with a variable notation, in the form of $1, $2, $3, etc for the first, second, third, etc input parameter that will be passed to the script. Once you have appropriately parameterized the script, save the script either in your working directory (along will all the other scripts you will need, possibly copied from omics_pipe/scripts) or in the omics_pipe/scripts directory.

2. Create a Python module

Now that you have created your custom script, you can create the Python module that will handle that script and schedule a job on the compute cluster using DRMAA ( You should name the Python module the same name as your custom analysis module, but with the extension .py. In this example, your Python module would be named and the function within it would also be called analysis_script. Save your custom Python module within the same directory as your custom pipeline script. At the top of your Python module, cut and copy the text below.

#!/usr/bin/env python

import drmaa
from omics_pipe.parameters.default_parameters import default_parameters
from omics_pipe.utils import *
p = Bunch(default_parameters)

You will then write a simple Python function that take the form of the function below. You can directly cut and copy
this function and then change the necessary names/parameters to fit your custom analysis.  ::

def fastqc(sample, fastqc_flag):
        '''QC check of raw .fastq files using FASTQC
                input: .fastq file
                output: folder and zipped folder containing html, txt and image files
                citation: Babraham Bioinformatics
                parameters from parameters file: RAW_DATA_DIR,QC_PATH, FASTQC_VERSION'''
                  spawn_job(jobname = 'fastqc', SAMPLE = sample, LOG_PATH = p.LOG_PATH, RESULTS_EMAIL = p.RESULTS_EMAIL, walltime = "12:00:00", queue = p.QUEUE, nodes = 1, ppn = 8, memory = "16gb", script = "/", args_list = [sample, p.RAW_DATA_DIR,p.QC_PATH, p.FASTQC_VERSION])
                job_status(jobname = 'fastqc', resultspath = p.QC_PATH, SAMPLE = sample, outputfilename = sample + "_fastq/" + "fastqc_data.txt", FLAG_PATH = p.FLAG_PATH)

Name your function the same as the names of both the Bash and Python scripts you just created for consistency. In our example, the first line would look like: “def analysis_script(sample, analysis_script_flag):”. As you can see, I changed the name of the function as well as the name of the flag input file. The document string should be change to describe what your analysis module does, what type of input file it takes, a citation and link to the tool that you are calling, as well as the parameters that are needed in the parameters file that will be passed to the Bash script that you created. After you are done documenting your function, you will change a few items within the spawn_job and job_status functions that are called from the omics_pipe.utils module. In the spawn_job function, you should change the job name to match the name of your function, you can customize the resources your job will request from the compute cluster, you will need to change the name of the script to match that of the Bash script that you just created, and then you will change the parameters listed in the variable “args_list.” The variable “sample” is lower case because it is passed to this function from omics_pipe, but input parameters coming from the parameters file must be prefixed with “p.” List the parameters that you need to feed into your custom analysis script in the order that you numbered them in the Bash script. In the example above, $1 corresponds to ‘sample’ $2 corresponds to p.RAW_DATA_DIR, etc. Once you have the spawn_job function updated, you will update the job_status function with the job name, results path and a name of an output file that will be produced from your Bash script. This can be any file that is created. This function will check that this file exists in the specified results directory, check that its size is greater than zero, and then it will create a flag file if it exists. Once you complete this, you are finished creating your custom Python module.

3. Add custom Python module to your custom pipeline

In order to use your custom analysis module, you will need to create a custom pipeline with your custom analysis module included as a step in the pipeline. For a tutorial on how to create a custom pipeline, see Section “Creating a Custom Pipeline Script.” Once you have a custom pipeline script, please make sure your custom analysis module and custom pipeline script are in the same directory.

4. Add new parameters to parameters file

The final step in custom analysis module creation is to add the parameters necessary for your custom analysis module to run into the parameters file. Simply add the parameters to your parameters script, save it, and then run your custom pipeline.